
VinnieVanGO loves to find new ways to gain a unique insider perspective while traveling. Travel enthusiast Beverly Lerch recommends couchsufing as a valuable, cost effective opportunity to explore the world.

Couchsurfing is a familiar word to avid travelers. It is established to help strangers connect and build relationships with people even in a new environment. Besides the advantage of living in a free house, there are other things you can benefit from Couchsurfing. It is one platform that can make your trips unforgettable. So if you are afraid of meeting strangers, these are the reasons not to be.

1. Great opportunity to find a compatible host

Couchsurfing is a platform established for travelers. It is such that couchsurfers are allowed to decide whoever they feel is compatible to shelter them. You get to see the profile of the individual and know more about him or her before moving. You will have enough details to determine if the person you are going to live with is compatible with you even before embarking on the journey.

The platform will not match you with anyone. It is entirely your decision to make a choice. You have to choose your host by yourself after going through their profiles and comment others who have lived there, wrote about them. And with over 400,000 hosts available on the platform on a yearly basis, you will have plenty of options to choose.

2. Achieve more than your travel goals

Living with a host that knows more about the terrain is a wise decision. Before embarking on your journey, this is something you must have sorted out. Couchsurfing gives travelers access to not only locals but people who can make their trip unforgettable.

For instance, if you are looking for a busy environment, or want to have fun, a young host or student can make this happen. You will also learn about the culture, and history of the place when hosted by someone that is more advanced in age. Thereafter, you can hire professional writer to help share your experience and knowledge.

This platform allows couch surfers to meet and establish rapport with their hosts online before embarking on the journey. You will also know what to expect and a little bit about the person hosting you before finally meeting them physically. After reading stories about your host and going through their profiles, you will be able to tell if he or she is someone you prefer. It is by far better than trying to make friends with people you know little or nothing about. You might not get the chance to assess the locals when you have arrived at your travel destination.

3. Make planning your trip easy

Travelling commands substantial financial commitment. But things can be different if you can get insiders to ask questions about the costs and demands of embarking on such trip. Moving to another country without any knowledge of charges and what you are likely going to spend might make things difficult. You might spend more than your budget or pay higher fees for items because you are a foreigner.

However, things can be different when you make use of the platform Couchsurfing. Your host will tell you everything you need to know and guide you throughout your stay. The platform allows travelers to find a roof over their heads for free. That way, you will also save money and spend on other things that will make your journey worthwhile.

4. Visit different locations

Your host would have time to show you around. That is one of the exciting things those who have couch surfed say about the system. There might be places you didn’t know existed. Your host will show you around and even hand you over to others to go on a mini trip or invite you over for dinner and other events.

Another striking thing is that many couchsurfing hosts do not live in the city center where most of the massive hotels are. So when you stay with them, you will end up seeing not only the non-tourist but beautiful part of the city and neighborhood. These tourist-free neighborhoods also offer cheaper foods that the locals can afford. You can take advantage of this to reduce your spending and extend your stay without draining your finance.

5. Build a good relationship with your host

Couchsurfing will help you connect with people and build a great relationship. The connection will seem like you have known them for years. Joining the platform is simple. And the hosts are people who are comfortable living with strangers. They love and care for strangers that is why they are on the platform.

6. Connect with other travellers

Besides meeting the locals and finding a place to stay, couchsurfing will help you locate other travelers. Of course, trips are usually more interesting when you move with people that have a common interest, and enjoy doing what they do.


There are many advantages of using a platform like couchsurfing. It will make your journey successful and reduce expenses. Also, it is easier to build solid rapport and learn about your hosts before embarking on a trip. With knowledge of your hosts and comments from others, you can tell if choosing them is a wise decision or if there is need to make changes.

Author Bio

Beverly Lerch is a travel addict. She loves touring the world, making new friends and learning about other people’s culture. She hopes to visit the world as a whole before turning 70 years of age.

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