
Get on the Right Track Pack

Fathom Way To Go, an award-winning #travel website, has posted 24 suggestions for packing like a pro. Among the tips Vinnie Van GO likes best are as follows: Bag It To get more room in your #suitcase, buy giant Ziploc bags and roll them tight to squeeze out the air. Pack a few extras for wet swimming gear or dirty laundry. Accessorize or Die In case you need to dress up, pack something small that can make any outfit smarter. “For men,this means an uncreasible silk knotted tie. For women, a fancy scarf.” Charge Make sure all phones, cameras, iPads and laptops are charged before you get to the airport. Adapt Carry the right plug adaptor for your destination. And bring a multi-plug so you can charge more than one device at an outlet. Identify To make sure you can be located quickly, mark your suitcases with your email address as well as you street address. Close at Hand Pack a zippered bag with personal items you might need during the flight – pen, blindfold, ear buds, gum, snacks. Look for one with a loop that can hang on the seat in front of you. For the full list of packing suggestions and other travel tips, see fathomaway.com or follow@fathomwaytogo on Twitter. What’s your favorite travel tip? Send to Editor@goairportshuttle.com or Tweet us @GOAirportshuttl.

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