
Travel Warnings You Should Know About

While Vinnie thinks travel can expand the mind, increase business opportunities and enrich your life, there are risks. Here are some hazards to life, health and pocketbook Vinnie says you should avoid. Too Good to Be True Trip Advisor posted a warning to travelers about websites that purport to offer bargain airfares. Many of them are predatory scams that try to get you to pay for your ticket by bank transfer or Western Union. Beware;;,,, And, for goodness sake, never wire money to someone you don’t know. This Workout May Be Health Hazard You may want to rethink the health benefits of working out in a hotel gym. The July 1 New York Times warns of the potential for equipment-related injuries, heart attack and “a constellation of contagions, for which gyms are an ideal breading ground.” The problem seems to be that hotel gyms are not maintained or supervised the way traditional gyms are – hence the increased risk. U.S. Imposes Travel Warnings Better cancel your plans to climb Mt. Everest. The U.S. Department of State issued a July 7 warning against travel to Nepal following a 7.8 magnitude earthquake on April 25. Departure authorizations have been terminated for non-emergency U.S. government personnel and dependents. Freshwater More Dangerous Than Saltwater Before taking a summer vacation please note: you are more likely to drown in a pool, lake or river than in an ocean. According to, about 90% of deaths by drowning are in freshwater. The reason is that fresh water seeps into the bloodstream faster than saltwater and dilutes the body’s plasma/electrolytes. In 5-20 minute, this can cause the red blood cells to swell and eventually burst. Drowning in saltwater is different. It occurs when the lungs fill with saltwater, preventing oxygen from entering the bloodstream and can take as long as 30 minutes.

Vinnie wants everyone to smart, safe and to take precautions when traveling this summer. One more tip: book your airport transportation at www.goairportshuttle> and let our professionally trained drivers get you to your destination safely, economically and on time.


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