Travelers Plan on Flying More Often in 2012

While the Mayan calendar predicts the end of the world in 2012, a recent survey indicates the traveling public is packing its bags to see the world in greater numbers this year.

More than 590 travelers participated in a survey conducted by The GO Group, LLC., the world’s largest ground transportation company, which asked if they planned to travel by air more, less or the same amount in 2012 compared with 2011.

Some 31 percent of respondents plan to increase their air travel in 2012, while 52 percent say they plan to travel about the same amount as in 2011. Just six percent said they’d be traveling less, and 11 percent said they weren’t sure.

“The travel industry is one of America’s largest industries, so the results of this survey are good news,” says John McCarthy, president, The GO Group. “A healthy travel industry signals the economy is continuing to rebound and hotels and other hospitality related businesses should expect an increase as well.”

Contact: Dyana Flanigan