Travelers Say Reclining Seats their Top Pet Peeve

Space hogs and noisy people were the top air travel pet peeves listed by respondents to a survey conducted by The GO Group LLC, an international ground transportation provider.
Twenty-two percent named “people who recline their seat in your lap” as the number one annoyance, followed by “loud talkers” at 17 percent.

Close behind at 16 percent were people who crammed too-large luggage in overhead bins, leaving little or no room for others.

Crying children were next at 13 percent while 8 percent replied they found people who moved too slowly through TSA to be their top complaint. Following top irritations, in order, all at under 5 percent were people who watch videos on their mobile devices without headphones; drunk passengers; people who brought odiferous food on board; no snacks offered by the airline; armrest stealers; trash left in seat pockets; overly chatty seatmates and barefoot passengers.

More than 330 people responded to the survey.

“While misconduct by airline employees might make the news, it turns out most of travelers’ complaints are about fellow passengers,” says John McCarthy, president, The GO Group. “Air travel can be difficult and frustrating, but basic thoughtfulness and mutual respect can help the experience be more pleasant for everyone.”

The GO Group LLC is the nation’s largest airport transportation provider, offering shared rides, private vehicles, sedans, charters and tours, serving some 90 airports in North America, Mexico, the Caribbean and Europe and transporting more than 13 million passengers per year.

Contact: Dyana Flanigan